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The font you’re seeing is called Crimson. Designed by Sebastian Kosch, it is “a font family for book production in the tradition of beautiful oldstyle typefaces.” According to FontSquirrel where I downloaded this font, it was inspired by the work of people such as Jan Tschichold, Robert Slimbach and Jonathan Hoefler. It is available in several languages.

The functionality which allows you to choose an alternate style sheet to vary the screen background and foreground colors comes from LLoyd Wood’s CSS Stylist. The W3C family of style sheets came from W3C Core Styles.

Speaking of style sheets, the javascript used to clear the board (i.e. No Style on the Themes menu) came from David Ross.

The compass icon I’m using for navigation was created by Double-J Design and is used under Creative Commons License 3.0. A link to that image can be found here.

The 3-line “navicon” I’m using for navigation was created with CSS styling courtesy of Stuart Robson and Tim Kadlec. This and other ways of making such an icon can be found at

Code to handle the tooltips used in my stories came from Osvaldas Valutis and his excellent article Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Tooltip.

To create my sitemap I used HTML and Google Xml Sitemap Generator.